Kuopion Tradenomiopiskelijat ry uses in their actions and functions Code of Conduct. If you have experienced any bullying or other harassment by other student or school’s personnel, you can contact our harassment contact person. Our harassment contact persons work under professional confidentiality and act only by the wishes of the caller.
Mikko Ylihärsilä
044 3032169
Lumi Hirvonen
045 1516256
The Code of Conduct of Kuopion Tradenomiopiskelijat ry (hereinafter KuoTra) is a guide for events and activities organized by the student association. It serves as a guideline for all participants attending KuoTra events, ensuring a positive and inclusive atmosphere. This Code of Conduct facilitates event organization and helps address potential issues effectively.
The guide applies during the official program of KuoTra events, from the scheduled start to the designated end time. It addresses equality, harassment, and bullying situations and how to respond to them. Establishing common ground rules is essential for ensuring the comfort and well-being of all participants.
“Equality means that all people are of equal value, regardless of their gender, age, ethnic or national origin, citizenship, language, religion or beliefs, opinions, disabilities, health, sexual orientation, or any other personal attribute.” The Finnish Constitution (Section 6) recognizes the equality of all people, and the Non-Discrimination Act (Section 6) prohibits both direct and indirect discrimination and harassment based on these characteristics.
Everyone experiences harassment differently; there is no single way to define a person’s feelings. What may seem like a harmless joke to one person might be perceived as offensive by another. It is important to note that when someone feels harassed, it leaves an uncomfortable impression.
Harassment refers to violating the dignity and integrity of a person or group by creating a threatening, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive atmosphere. Sexual harassment includes verbal, non-verbal, or physical unwanted conduct of a sexual nature that intentionally or effectively violates a person’s mental or physical integrity, particularly by creating a threatening or hostile atmosphere. Gender-based harassment involves unwanted conduct related to a person’s gender, gender identity, or gender expression, which is non-sexual in nature but intentionally or effectively violates their dignity and creates a hostile environment. Discrimination means unequal treatment or placing individuals in different positions without a valid reason. It also includes creating a threatening or degrading atmosphere or giving instructions to discriminate.
Inappropriate behavior refers to actions that are contrary to common decency. What constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behavior is determined collectively. For example, if someone finds another’s humor offensive, it should be avoided. Acceptable behavior excludes yelling, outbursts, or addressing personal characteristics inappropriately. Student association events gather a diverse group of individuals with varying opinions, ideologies, identities, and values. This diversity can unintentionally lead to harassment or discrimination. Respecting everyone’s freedom of expression and opinion is the first step toward an inclusive and harassment-free event. Alcohol can often lead to excesses and awkward situations, but everyone is responsible for their behavior, even under its influence. Alcohol use should never be pressured on anyone. Social media is an integral part of students’ lives and the association’s events. Written or visual communication online is easily misunderstood. Content featuring individuals should only be published with their consent. Harassment on social media is entirely comparable to any other form of harassment.
KuoTra has two harassment contact persons, who are trusted members of the student association’s board and represent different genders. Their contact information can be found on the association’s website. The role of the harassment contact person is to listen without judgment and, upon request, address harassment situations (in this guide, “harassment” also includes inappropriate behavior and discrimination). They are available for personal meetings, email, and phone communication.
Participants who experience harassment or discrimination at a student association event can contact the harassment contact person, even after the event has ended. After being contacted, the harassment contact person and the affected individual will discuss the situation and possible actions. The contact person acts confidentially and will not take action without the individual’s consent. The affected person may choose not to demand action and seek only conversational support.
If you experience harassment, discrimination, or inappropriate behavior:
Contact KuoTra’s harassment contact person.
If you witness someone else being harassed or discriminated against and wish to report it:
Contact KuoTra’s harassment contact person.
After being informed of a harassment situation, the contact person acts confidentially and only with the consent of the affected individual.
The Harassment Contact Person Can: