Kuopion Tradenomiopiskelijat ry

What is KuoTra?

What is KuoTra?

Kuopio Business Students’ Association, familiarly known as KuoTra, is a local association founded in 2009 for business students at Savonia University of Applied Sciences. We represent every Savonia business student regardless of their field of study. Savonia offers Finnish-language options in sales and marketing, financial management, wellness, and the latest addition is the line of information technology, as well as the English-language BBA program.

Our association operates on a non-profit basis. The highest authority within the association is exercised through regular autumn and spring meetings, during which the members decide on matters such as approving annual budgets and action plans, forming the board, and approving the previous year’s activity report and financial statements. The executive body of the association is the board, which is elected annually at the autumn meeting. The board’s responsibilities include representing the association and maintaining its activities in a manner befitting its values.

What do we do?

Our mission is to act as the local representative for Kuopio business students and provide services and events to balance their daily lives. We actively represent our members in stakeholder meetings and conduct quarterly surveys on topics related to studies. Based on these surveys, we engage in active discussions with decision-makers and advocate for our members’ interests throughout the year.

Additionally, we organize a substantial number of events annually, both on and off campus. These include events like Wellness Weeks, various sports trials and Afterwork gatherings. Not to forget about our traditional student parties known as sitz and excursions. We are also actively involved in national theme days and advocacy campaigns.

All KuoTra events have designated harassment contact persons who can be reached out to with ease if you’ve experienced or witnessed harassment, discrimination, bullying, or any inappropriate behavior. Furthermore, our events and activities adhere to a Code of Conduct.

For more information, visit harassment contact persons.

How to reach us?

The association’s board is available on campus weekly either at a stand or during office hours. Office hours are generally held every Tuesday from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the 3rd floor of campus building E, in cafeSAVOTTA. During office hours, feel free to come and discuss anything with us, whether it’s related to your studies, our activities, campus practices, or even the day’s weather. We are here for you! You can also purchase overall patches and discuss membership matters during office hours.

Stands are organized at least monthly in the Campus Heart, and their timing is always announced on KuoTra’s Instagram account. Stands take the place of office hours, so if we’ve informed about stands for the week, regular office hours won’t be held. Stands are dedicated to ongoing events or campaigns, offering member benefits, various contests, giveaways, and information about upcoming events! You can also come to the stand to update your membership status or get patches to decorate your overalls.

You can also approach us anytime, even outside of campus, through email and social media. Find us best through email and social media for any questions related to studies or association matters!

We are also active on social media platforms, where we share current information about various events, updates, benefits, as well as job and career opportunities. You’ll find information about upcoming events, campaigns, surveys, office hours, and stands on KuoTra’s Instagram and Facebook accounts. Follow us @kuotrary!

On our LinkedIn page, we focus on sharing career opportunities and professional-related posts, so if you’re looking for an internship or have questions about career prospects, consider following us there too!

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